Tuesday, May 20, 2014

6 Month Reflection

SO. Its been 6 months (to the day)  and 70 posts since I started this blog. In true "wannabe writer" fashion- I feel like I need to stop and reflect on my findings so far:

1.) McDonald's brings some serious emotion out of me. Pulling up to the drive thru at McDonald's musters up one of two emotions- guilt and uncontrollable anger. The guilt usually happens on the way home from the bar when we are about a mile away from our apartment and I blurt out the all predictable "I'm Hungry...can we go to McDonald's?". Jake agrees, but pulls the 'ol "I'm not going to get anything" after I order my big mac value meal with 2 sweet and sour sauces. Seriously, if a 6'5'' 250lb guy isn't ordering anything...why am I? Yup, that's a good dose of guilt seeping through my body along with these unnecessary calories.

NOW- the uncontrollable anger...After I get my food, Jake does the unimaginable and sneaks his hand into my McDonald's bag and GRABS A FRY!!askjdfiuanseif!!!.UM.. How dare he take one of my fries after denying them at the drive thru?? This is my biggest pet peeve, and I have lashed out at others as well. If you don't want to order your own meal, don't expect to have "just one little bite" of mine (MOM). This situation continues to be the driving force of some of my most furious moments- leading to my next point...

2.) Growing up with 3 siblings doesn't always make you good at sharing. I don't know about others, but I think it makes you think of strategic ways NOT to share. I.E. Labeling your food, hiding your food, and waking up 20 minutes earlier than your siblings to get the last packet of Cream of Wheat, or pick the best french toast sticks (obviously not the end pieces). Especially if you're the oldest/smartest. Its survival of the fittest people!!

3.) 80% of the time, I would rather binge eat apps than a have an actual meal. After reviewing a ton of restaurants, I decided that a lot of times I would have been a lot happier if I just ate apps. I don't understand why they are always so much more delicious than the actual meal? Maybe cuz I'm hungrier when I'm eating them? Maybe because they are almost always covered in cheese? Beats me.

4.) Guacamole is a food of the gods. Why did I discover it so late in life? Its so good on everything. Always.

5.) Planning out your meals really helps you eat better. Knowing exactly what delicious meal I have planned for each night makes me a lot less likely to order a pizza on the way home from work. I feel like I'm growing up.

6.) Crock pots are money well spent times 10. Mine cost $30 and brings me more joy then you will ever know (well you probably do know because you read my posts). But still..just do it..

7.) I would rather spend money on food than anything else. Even when I'm trying to be good about saving money, I can always justify a burrito bowl at Chipotle. Always.

So I don't know if those 7 things made me feel better or worse about myself- but it just happened and I'm glad you got to be apart of it.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Bakin Bacon

As I have mentioned several times on this blog- I love bacon (duh). Everyone does. But how often do you actually get up before work to cook yourself some crispy, salty, delicious pig? Probably not very often. I always associate cooking bacon with taking a lot of time, a big mess and the excruciating 1 second of pain when the hot oil spurts onto your arm. Well, my friends, your problems are over. My future mother in law gave us a great suggestion for an easier way to cook a lot of bacon. Bake it baby! All it takes is a cookie sheet, 400 degree oven and 12 minutes. When its done, take it off the pan and let it cool for 2-3 minutes. Now you've got the same bacon you would cook in a frying pan, if not BETTER! I just made your Saturday-You're welcome.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What I learned about Texas food in 48 hours

I wouldn't consider myself a "jet-setter" but I made a short trip to Texas this past weekend to visit some future family! The most exciting part about going to a new state is seeing the sites and eating the food. While this isn't my first trip to Texas, it is my first trip with the pleasure of having this blog to debrief. So after 48 hours, here is what I think you need to know about Texas food.

1.) TEX MEX- Finding a Tex Mex Restaurant in Houston is like finding an Italian Restaurant in the North End...they...are...everywhere. I had the pleasure of going to the best of the best on Friday afternoon- Lupe's! Along with some margs, chips and guac, we ordered the Fajitas Grandioso which is a combination of lime pepper marinated beef, chicken fajitas and 6 bacon wrapped pepper shrimp. Oh and they ain't lyin when they say everything's bigger in Texas- those tortillas were as big as my head! Muy Delicioso!

2.) BBQ IS A RELIGION- Having a family barbecue doesn't mean grilling some burgers and dogs (nothing wrong with that)... it means cooking a giant Brisket in the oven overnight, and smoking a pork butt for 8 hours. This is serious stuff people!!

3.) KOLACHES- Most of you probably have no idea what they are... I sure didn't. Kolaches are a warm pastry filled with meat, cheese or fruit and surrounded by slightly sweet fresh baked dough. The Kolache originated in Central Europe as a semisweet wedding dessert, and is found in some cities across the U.S, but most commonly in the Lone Star State!! These are SO GOOD. We got sausage, jalapeno and ham&cheese. They are neat, clean to eat, and a perfect breakfast on the go...and that sweet sweet bread mmmm

4.) And Lastly, BLUE BELL- Blue Bell Creameries are the largest selling ice cream brand in the U.S selling to directly to 23 states (obviously not Massachusetts, because I had never heard of it!) The ice cream does not disappoint definitely beating any Richardson's ice cream I have ever had! I'm not a big fan of vanilla ice cream in general, but I could eat Blue Bell's creamy homemade vanilla every day!

Well there it is people! Now you know what to look for if you ever make a trip to the Lone Star State! YEEEHAWW!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Chocolate Chip Cannoli Dip and Brownie Batter Dip

I've been eyeing something like this on pintrest for awhile as is a great/cool alternative to your typical dessert! The chocolate chip cannoli dip recipe is actually listed all over pintrest as a "cookie dough dip" recipe, but after making it and tasting it..I just..couldn' it cookie dough. I'm sorry pintrest peeps, your taste buds are off- this does NOT taste like cookie dough, but could pass for a bomb cannoli! Therefore, so I wouldn't lead anyone on, I took my creative license and swapped the name. Once you make it, you'll know what I mean!

Chocolate Chip Cannoli Dip
1/2 Cup Butter (softened)
1/2 Cup brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 (8oz) block cream cheese (softened)
1/2 Cup powdered sugar
1 Cup milk chocolate chips

Melt butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Add brown sugar and whisk until the sugar dissolves and the mixture starts to bubble. Set aside to cool and whisk in vanilla. In a medium size bowl, cream together your softened cream cheese and powdered sugar. Slowly add in brown sugar/butter mixture until combined. Fold in chocolate chips. You can serve this right away, but its better if you throw it in the fridge for a couple hours for all the flavors to meld.

Brownie Batter Dip
1 (8oz) block cream cheese (softened)
1/4 cup butter (softened)
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
2-3 Tbsp milk
5 Tbsp flour
2 Tbsp brown sugar
5 Tbsp cocoa
1 tsp vanilla extract
chocolate chips (for garnish)

In a large bowl, beat the butter and cream cheese until light and fluffy. Slowly beat in the powdered sugar and milk until creamy. Add in the flour, cocoa, brown sugar and vanilla. Mix until smooth. Top with a handful of chocolate chips.

I served these two dips with animal crackers and honey graham crackers, but they could easily go with pretzels, strawberries or vanilla wafers! This dessert was such a hit! I have already been looking at other options and found recipes for snickerdoodle and Reese's PB cup! The possibilities are endless!!!