Sunday, November 24, 2013

And if I don't get the things I am after...

Over the years I have developed several food related conditions that effect my every day life. One of the most severe is something I call Varuca Salt Syndrome. Basically, I get a craving for a food-any food- from one of many ways... a commercial, hearing a friend talk about it, seeing a stranger eat it- or in this case- seeing it on a menu and not ordering it. Guys-I'm talking about the Bar Louie incident on Thursday-THE PULLED PORK INCIDENT. God, I'm so happy you are here to support me through this hard time. Now when I get these cravings, there is a 50% chance of them being an issue. Sometimes I can mask my symptoms, by continuing on with my preplanned meals or distracting myself with any other treats I can find in my cabinets. HOWEVER- OCCASIONALLY- the symptoms of VSS become more severe. They can include complaining, nagging, whining and worst of all, violent outburst of me screaming "I WANT IT NOW!!!" Once we hit this point there is no turning back. I need that golden goose and I need it pronto. This is when my stomach starts talking to my brain. How difficult is it going to be for me to fulfil this need? That is why I came up with my very own Richter scale because, let's be honest- If I don't satisfy my VSS, there WILL be a natural disaster.

CATEGORY 1- I have made/can make a version of this golden goose myself- and it is comparable to the real version

CATEGORY 2- The golden goose can be obtained within less than a 10 mile radius of my residence, and with minor monetary implications

CATEGORY 3- The golden goose can be obtained within greater than a 10 mile radius of my residence, and with moderate monetary implications

Luckily for me, I LOVE my homemade pulled pork... So this was a CATEGORY 1 situation.

This pulled pork is SO EASY and only requires a few things: A Crock Pot, 1 bone-in pork butt, 1 bottle of Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce, 1 yellow onion and 1 bag of potato sandwich rolls.

First- place the pork butt in the crock pot with half of the yellow onion. Fill the crock pot with water until it completely covers the meat. Cook on LOW for 8-10 hours.

Pour out all the water, and throw away the onion. Next we need to shred the pork so it is melt in your mouth amazing. First, you want to find the bone, and cut it out of the pork butt. This should leave you with a whole bunch of tender meat to shred. You can shred this a few different ways. You can get two forks and separate the meat by hand, or if you have a Kitchen Aid mixer and have a shredding attachment, you can plop all the meat in there and it should pull apart nicely. Next put all the shredded meat back in the crock pot, and pour in the BBQ sauce. Make sure the sauce is completely mixed through, and let the meat cook for one more hour on low. This allows the meat to absorb the sauce and heat everything at once.

Hey guess what? We're done! Grab your potato rolls and scoop out a couple spoon fulls of pork on each. I like Coleslaw on my Pulled Pork, so I always pickup half a lb from the grocery store when I know that I'm making it. The sweet and tangy pork and the cool crunch of the coleslaw is an awesome contrast that really completes the dish. Other topping suggestions include: onion rings, provolone cheese or pickles.

These sandwiches are a huge hit at a tailgate or Sunday night football party. When bringing them to an event, I always suggest making them into small sliders. They are a lot easier for guests to grab and eat with one hand!

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