Friday, November 22, 2013

Why Paninis are ALWAYS better

I typically bring my lunch to work, but today I had literally nothing left in my cabinets, and was too lazy to try and throw something together. I walked upstairs to our café- and waited in the deli line for a sandwich. Now I am spoiled, because our café has all organic fresh food, and is subsidized by the company so everything is pretty affordable and delicious. As I came to the front of the line, I took a look at the Panini special and had an epiphany. If all those ingredients in that Panini were in a regular sandwich, I wouldn’t order it. There was something about the Panini aspect that made me want to mow it so much more.  While consuming this delicious piece of heaven, I pondered, and pondered some more, and came to the realization that Paninis are ALWAYS better than a regular sandwich.

And here’s why...

There are many factors to a really good sandwich 1.) The BREAD- without soft fresh bread, a sandwich can almost seem like work to eat. I’m sorry French baguette, but I prefer not to spend my lunch hour ripping through you like a TREX. 2.)  The moisture of the ingredients. NO ONE likes a dry sandwich; it’s like eating a mouth full of sand. Moisture can be fixed by a condiment or veggie- but is almost necessary to complete a good sandwich 3.) COMPACT-ability- All of the ingredients need to be arranged so this sandwich is easy to eat from start to finish. As much as I love watching tomato juices sliding down my arm as I go for another bite, it’s not a good look for me. Compact-ability also says a lot for overall taste, as you typically get a piece of each ingredient in every bite.

Now…how many factors go in to making a really good Panini? ONLY ONE- Cheese. If there is cheese on your Panini there is no way you can ever go wrong. Because melted cheese is proof that there is a god, and he loves us very much.  Even if there is ONLY cheese on your Panini, you already have it made…its called Grilled Cheese- ever heard of it? Plus panini’s don’t have to be bothered with any of the factors listed above. 1.) Any type of bread is delicious and easy to eat toasted or warm 2.) Cheese on your Panini will demolish any moisture problem 3.) Paninis could not be more compact and perfect; it is probably their most enduring quality.

I am so glad I got this off my chest, and I hope are you too.

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