Tuesday, December 3, 2013

iiittss a da chickena parrrmaa

It's always a nice change to have friends over for dinner instead of going to a restaurant-especially around the holidays. It gives you the chance to hang out in a cozy environment, with cheaper drinks and food. Have someone bring a dessert, an app, some wine and you are pretty much all set. EXCEPT of course, your responsibility- the main dish dun dun dunnn...

Now when choosing an entree, I always follow a few simple rules. 1.) Know your audience- if your friends are really into healthy food, stay on the light side. Maybe fish or a big flavorful salad. OR if your crowd isn't picky, just go with something safe and classic. 2.) Keep it simple- don't try to make some intricate dish that you've never tried before. It will stress you out, and take away from enjoying your mad hosting skills. Make something that you can multitask while socializing, just in case your guests come early. You never want to be running around like a crazy person while you have a kitchen full of your friends. It will make everyone either a.) feel bad or b.) equally feel just as stressed

I had this debocle tonight, as I was having a few ladies over for dinner and wanted to make something delicious. I decided on chicken parm, because a.) its a classic b.) I have made it dozens of times and c.) it has cheese. Now, some people are intimidated by chicken parm and I'm not sure why- it is actually really easy. Plus once you know how to make the basic chicken cutlet, it opens up a door to a new culinary chapter in your life where the options are endless.

Chicken Parm
1 package- THIN SLICED breast cutlets (I always account for 1.5 cutlets per person just to be safe)
Italian Bread Crumbs
2 eggs
1 jar of your favorite pasta sauce
1 package of shredded mozz cheese
Jar of graded Parmesan cheese
Canola Oil
Optional side ideas: Garlic Bread, Caesar Salad, Pasta

After preheating your oven to 350 degrees, the first thing you want to do is prepare your breaded cutlets. To do this, setup an assembly line of 3 ingredients. A plate of flour, bowl with 2 eggs (whisked) and plate with breadcrumbs. You will want to have a third plate clean and ready for all the breaded cutlets when your done.

Completely coat  your first chicken cutlet in the flour, then with a fork, dip it in your egg and let the excess yoke drip off. Next, completely coat your cutlet in the bread crumbs. Now this part can get kind of messy, so I would recommend wearing an apron, and using a fork to dip the cutlets as much as you can. Eventually, it becomes easier to use your hands, but be prepared to wash them often. Send all your culets through this assembly line, and place them all on a new clean plate.


 Pour 1 cup of canola oil into a frying pan on medium heat. Once the oil starts to bubble, place your first cutlet in the oil. Let the cutlet sit there until golden brown- usually about 2-3 minutes. Next, flip your cutlet and do the same on the other side. After all your pieces are cooked, place them on a baking sheet.

Cover each cutlet in sauce, mozzarella cheese and a dash of Parmesan cheese. Cook for 10-12 minutes or until the cheese is fully melted. I am telling you, once you make this once, you will make it for every dinner you host. Chicken Parm is probably one of the few dishes that everyone loves, so you are guaranteed very happy (and full) guests!


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